Friday, November 09, 2007

Fall/Winter Yoga Class
Schedule 2007/08
at Northampton Athletic Club

Tuesday 6:45 - 7:45 a.m. Hatha Mixed Level

Wednesday 6:50 - 8:20 p.m. Hatha Mixed Level

Thursday Noon - 1:oo p.m. Hatha Mixed Level

Sunday 10:30 - Noon Gentle/Restorative

For more information about my classes or private sessions visit my website at

To receive my quarterly newsletter, "Lessons on Yoga", write me at
Peaceful and Alive

With the unseasonably warm weather and lots of socializing during the peak foliage season and Halloween, my body is open, receiving and flowing in the pranic energy that is being generated internally and externally. Despite the warm weather, I notice my body is also craving soups rather that salads…still preparing for winter…turning inward.

In the asana practice, we seem to be coming into balance…backbends becoming smaller, gently warming into forward bends. Our movement has slowed down after a faster paced summer and fall.

We are bringing the internal environment into balance with alternate nostril breathing, three part breathing and longer meditations….calming the internal environment and the mind…“Give the mind a rest.”, you will often hear me suggest in my classes.

And of course, balancing poses can aid in this process, so we continue to balance in each class. Lately, we have been playing in, or preparing for, headstands and supported handstands…shifting moods, attitudes and reversing the flow of fluids within the body.

I also find twists to be very helpful this time of year. When we shut the windows and turn on the heat in our homes and cars, we significantly increase the concentration of indoor air pollution from household products, dust, and allergens. Twists can help to squeeze these toxins out of the organs, to the kidneys and skin for elimination. Irritability can rise as the body detoxes. Twists, a hot bath followed by a cool shower, or regular saunas can also aid in the natural cleansing process.

On those cooler nights and mornings, we are adding some warming pranyama, like Lions Breath or Kapalbhati Breathing. Heating up the internal environment and raising energy. Lions Breath can also provide an emotional release for the irritability that can arise when the body is eliminating toxins. Nothing like three good growls to shift your mood.

Take time to rest and enjoy the harvest of your summer and fall efforts. Take in the colors, smells and as much fresh air as possible with brisk walks, hikes or bike rides. Enjoy the breaks as much as the exertion by eating warming foods, while spending time with friends and family who support who you truly are.

How can you bring your body more into balance in your daily life with twists, heat, rest, cleansing and exercise? I invite you to bring more peace and aliveness into your day.

Namaste. Jai Ma!


On a Personal Note

My husband, Rene and I did a 5 year recommitment ceremony during peak fall foliage, October 22, 2007. I am still feeling the prana from the energy that we raised.

We conducted a private co-created ceremony under a big orange maple tree at the Japanese Tea House at Smith College. We walked, moved and glided through orange leaves as we raised energy around us and within us. We listened to sacred chants and songs, shared our desires for support and affirmed that support in creating our most precious dreams of health, travel, family and bliss.

Many having been asking about my health. I have been guided not to write about it anymore, so that is why you haven’t heard much in this forum. I am in a maintenance phase of my healing. My body sends clear messages as to what is needed. I listen and act accordingly. I feel strong and healthy when I am living my Truth. I thank you for your concern and ongoing support.

CD Release

Self Love is in its final stages of completion. Currently, the plan is to submit samples of the CD to be signed with a recording company. Once I hear back, the CD will be released, first in a format that can be purchased and downloaded off my website. Soon thereafter, it will be available on CD. Preordering is still encouraged to expedite CD production.