Set Yourself Free! with Prana
Quarterly Newsletter Fall 2005*Personal Check in
*Personal Practice Suggestion, Reflection and Connection with Self
*Upcoming Classes, Workshops and Retreats
*Invitation for stories
This summer has brought me to a place in my personal yoga journey of deepest surrender and letting go. My birthday is July 28th. My 40th passed last year almost unnoticed. Coming off a transformational winter and spring living in Costa Rica, I was given some challenging lesson to overcome and was able to handle what came my way. I remember saying to myself, during those challenging times, “Mother (who I call “God”) only gives you what you can handle.” and knew I would survive and come through a better person and I did.
My 41st brought new and exponentially more difficult challenges that required a deeper letting go and surrender. As a healer, I began to peel back my own layers using the tools I have been given by my many teachers and with the clearer sight, developed through daily meditation. The illusions in my life began to reveal themselves right before my eyes.
Some of my strongest lessons have included,
*letting go of time and truly trusting the timeless state of being
*letting go of how I want it to be and allowing my destiny to unfold
*loving, even when it hurts
*seeing my old patterns and responses when those I love desire different paths than my own
I have coached and counseled “midlifers” for years now and am now having my own set of personal heart felt emotions that mid life brings forth. Coping with aging, clarity around my path and not wanting to go around the old merry go round ONE… MORE… TIME, discernment, ease, grace and the deepening of wisdom from experience. Patience.
I have had teachers (earth angels) come into my life to give me courage and strength.
I have meditated daily to come into my center and find clarity.
I have sought counsel when my tools weren’t enough.
I have reached out to family and friends for support.
I have learned to pace myself, so that I have energy for myself and others.
I have taken steps to improve my health, deepen my connections with others and expand my services to my community.
I feel richer, wiser and lighter. I feel new beginnings unfolding.
Most of all, I feel able to love more because I have loved myself deeply.
Reflection:As you look back on your summer, a time of connecting with family, parties, more time outdoors in nature having fun…what lessons were shown to you.? Who were your earth angels that gave you messages that made you perk up and pay attention or question what you were doing? What were they trying to show you? How did you respond to these lessons?
Connection:Come back to your center. Refresh your altar, your sacred space. Be sure it represents your newest path. Remove items that symbolize outdated intentions. Refresh your incense and candles. Put some energy into your sacred space to refresh your personal practice.
Personal Practice Suggestions:Alternating heart opening postures like yoga mudras and back bends with postures that draw your awareness inward (e.g., embryo, child’s pose and forward bends), alternate nostril breathing, and extended meditations are all ways to ground the summer’s activity and come back to your center. Savasana and three part breathing are excellent for bringing the energy down (grounding).
Upcoming Events:We are relocating to Conway, MA in late November 2005 to be closer to our children
Opening to the Love 2006
Costa Rica Yoga Lifestyle Retreat Visit
Visit my
yoga instruction web page for fall classes in Boulder, CO at
Stay tuned for upcoming winter classes and workshops in western MA is being redesigned with a new look and updated photos!
A DVD is starting to will be a restorative practice, including an assessable yoga flow and meditation.
Sangah Community Participation:I am doing research for a book, which will enlighten readers and seekers on how to find our way back to community. I would love to hear your personal stories of finding your “tribe“. Please tell me the qualities you seek in community, how you reach out to create community and what you think it takes to maintain community overtime. Send your comments, questions and stories to or chat with each other on Your contributions are greatly appreciated. We will contact you if we choose to include your story in our book. If we use your contribution, you will receive a free copy of the book.
Much love, blessings and gratitude,
Namaste. Jai Ma!
Prana and Rene